
To see Cristina Maya Caetano photogallery please press the menu at the right side of the page.

Brief explanation:
 Illustrations -   the initial idea in her ilustrations comes from her writing. Afterwards they come become alive through her drawings. Children's stories and fairy tales  are her favorite subjects, especially those with worlds and caracteres created by her.

Painting oil-on-canvas -  Oil paintings created based on her poems.

Fadinha Lótus (Little Fairy Lótus) oil-on-canvas with mixed techniques - The mixed techniques she used intended to take the reader into a magical world and, at the same time, to create a coloured scenario, with animals and flowers, smells of Africa and India, which remind the author of her childhood in Mozambique (África). A collection of paintings of Fadinha Lótus (Little Fairy Lótus) has about 107 paintings with almost 240 pictures. Her paintings presented here relate to the two volumes already published in Portuguese.